About Us
Founded on July 14, 2006, following the 1st International Conference on Literary Journalism in Nancy, France.
Our Mission
The mission of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies is the improvement of scholarly research and education in Literary Journalism/Reportage—not journalism about literature but journalism that is literature. To accomplish this, the association’s activities include: encouraging critical and cross-cultural scholarly research and inquiry in the field of Literary Journalism; enhancing the standards of content and instruction in Literary Journalism courses; promoting a sense of public service and professional responsibility among both scholars and practitioners of Literary Journalism; fostering close and continuing relationships between academe and the profession; and increasing the understanding and awareness among professionals and academics of the importance of Literary Journalism—a genre also known around the world as literary reportage, narrative journalism, creative non-fiction, the New Journalism, Jornalismo Literário, el periodismo literario, Bao Gao Wen Xue, literary non-fiction, and narrative non-fiction.
- www.ialjs.org (International Association for Literary Journalism Studies)
- www.literaryjournalismstudies.org (Literary Journalism Studies)
- Literary Journalism Studies is published semiannually
- Literary Journalism: The Newsletter of the IALJS is published bimonthly on our website