New Edition of “Reading Narrative Journalism” Launched
As some of you have already heard, I’ve recently launched a new edition of my online digital resource, Reading Narrative Journalism (2024), which has been designed as an introduction and multimedia resource for undergraduates and beginning graduate students (with a few thoughts for teachers thrown in). The site has been updated to include more writers, a slightly fuller bibliography, and a bit more directing to digital journalism. It has also been redesigned and rewritten to be more compact and reader-friendly (as well as being better suited for phones and tablets). In addition, there are some new features: a blog on which I will occasionally offer reflections and suggestions on teaching and scholarship in the field; a better search engine; and (of all things!) a CHATBOT that tries to answer more involved questions for curious readers.
The new 2024 site also has a new address: https://narrativejournalism.bc.edu. The old link for this project will still work for now, but in time it will redirect to this new url.
Naturally, I’ll be working through “bugs” that pop up once people start using the site. And in time, I hope to include guest blog posts, discussion threads, and more. For now, the most important thing from my end is that the site makes its way, sooner or later, to the eyes of students.
Finally, I simply wanted to extend my thanks, again, to the many friends and colleagues in IALJS who have supported this project since its inception. Here’s to good reading